Sunday 16 February 2014

Commedia workshop

What was your experience of these five characters?

I thought it was great experience going through all of the characters because it gave us a better understanding of the play we are working on and helped a lot with the different sorts off characters we are going to play. Each character was different in there own way.

Pantalone - he is a lecherous old fool, he is greedy and deluded. I imagined him with a dirty grin on his face, and he tall and lean and leads around the room with is chin.

Il Dottore- A bumbling quack who doesn't know a thing about medicine. I saw this character as fat and bold person who leads around the room belly thinking he knows everything when really he doesn't know anything.

Capitano- A complete coward and a fake. My view on this characters was that he was trying to be a posh/upper-class person but somehow is in charge and he likes to give orders, he leads around the room with his feet.

Pedrolino (developed into pierrot) - a lowly servant who dreams of love

Which character did you choose and why?

In are piece of improvisation I started off playing Arlecchino (Harlequin)- a cunning servant who retains the devils horn, mischievous deliberately mixes up his masters orders because in our piece of improvisation it was set as a Wedding, so I chose that character so I can stir things up in the piece I then changed my character to Pedrolino (developed into Pierrot) - A lowly servant who dreams of love the reason I changed to this character is because I could be madly in love with the person who is getting married and try and stop it from happening.

What were the strengths and weaknesses of our improvisation?

I think that strength of our improvisation was the plot because you could play around with it a lot which is perfect for improvisation because we new what was happening at the start of the play and at the end of it so we wouldn't get lost in the middle because we no what it should end up with

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